Why Journalism, Why Now?

You know, majoring in journalism in this day and age is like walking on egg shells.

Anytime you tell someone you’re studying journalism, politics is soon to follow. 

And then when the person finishes their rant on politics, they’ll usually say, “Journalism is a dying industry; what do you even plan to do with that?”

First off, journalism is not just politics. Second, it’s not a “dying industry.” It’s transforming and keeping up with the digital age. From video to traditional writing, journalists are expected to do it all. No days off.

The stigma around any type of journalism is real, and it’s definitely something every journalist needs to be mindful about within their writing. 

But you have to realize, being a journalist has a great weight of responsibility. You are the gatekeeper to news and, most of all, the truth.  

Now, with that being said, here are a few reasons why I chose journalism. 

This world needs unbiased journalists.

While I do have my political opinions, I know to keep those to myself (unless I’m writing an opinion column). If the first thing you think of when you think of journalism is Fox News, I’m here to tell you that they are actually an entertainment network. Whether in broadcast or written journalism, you aren’t supposed to attack others. You are supposed to show the facts to the public in an unbiased way for them to make their own opinions. 

In every journalism class I’ve taken, we usually have to make a clip file. A clip file is a collection of news articles written throughout the semester we wanted to highlight. This can be local and national news stories, but we have to be mindful. Usually, we are told to stay away from CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. Instead, we are supposed to look for stories on ABC, CBS, NBC, or PBS. 

There’s a difference between political-leaning journalism and actual truth. In this day and age, many viewers and companies have lost sight of this. Many industries are trying to attract ratings and viewers instead of providing the true facts.

People deserve to have their stories heard.

This world is a crazy place. From stories of hope to messages of adversity, everyone’s voice has impact. You’re telling me I get to build relationships and learn different perspectives for a living? Count me in. 

Journalists make a difference.

We are here to document history in the making, and it only takes one story to spark a movement. Journalism can send shock waves throughout the world, and while that power is a huge responsibility, it can change the world for the better if it’s in the right hands. 

You can literally be any type of journalist.

Interested in true crime and unsolved mysteries? Investigative journalism is calling your name. Want to report on travel and everything cultural? Travel magazines need your help! Into photography? You’re literally needed in every section of journalism.

Writing is pretty cool.

I mean… I guess ya’ll can tell I like writing. Obviously, why would I not try and make a meaningful career out of it?

I could keep going on and on about why journalism is a passion of mine, but I’d rather just show it. With graduation looming over my shoulder, I have to question myself and really understand what I want to add to the world of publications.

Want to know what I came up with? I want to add truth. I choose to enter the dangerous world of reporting and tackle the hard issues head on. Even when you’re doing your best as a journalist, there will still be haters and those demeaning your work. 

One thing I have to remember is that the truth is a hard thing for people to swallow. Not everyone is going to like what you have to say, but it is your duty as a journalist to inform the public. The truth hurts sometimes, but that shouldn’t stop any journalist, including me, from unraveling it. 

So, no matter what you find yourself doing, pursue the truth. And that’s what I’ll do too. 

Sincerely, Abbey

Photography: Abbey C.


Day 0: My Thoughts Before Heading to Colombia


What Now?