Day 0: My Thoughts Before Heading to Colombia

Finally, exams are over, homework is finished, and the chaos of this past year is fading.  

But for many of us college students, we have only a short break before we jump right into our summer plans. Some are taking classes, others are working in food or retail at home, and others (cough, cough, me) are going off to internships or study abroads.  

Every rising senior is forced to face reality; our careers are right in front of us. Many of us are beginning to fly the nest and step out into new experiences. 

For those going to foreign countries for months, living in far-away cities, or starting new jobs or internships, these plans are exciting for sure. But if we’re honest, they can also be very intimidating. 

I know this mix of feelings firsthand; I’m living in Colombia, South America, this June and July for a communications internship. I will get the opportunity to help someone write their book, which is my ultimate career goal and something I’ve dreamed of doing for years. I am beyond excited. But, while exciting, the experience can also be a little intimidating. At times, I feel the fear creeping in. 

Will I be able to do my job well? What if I fail? What if I’m lonely? What if I’m miserable? What if I don’t like it? What if something happens to me when I’m there? There are several things I have to remind myself to combat these bothersome worries. And in two months, I will look back on this article, my internship in the rearview mirror, and see if I had any clue what I was talking about. 

Sometimes, the hardest things in life are the most worth it. 

This is something my dad taught me—and something proved over and over again in my own life. Through challenges, we grow. While this fear is real, I have to remember: I often look back on those hard, scary experiences and am nothing but grateful for them. 

Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s sorrow, it just takes away today’s peace. 

This is something that I forget every single day. Philippians 4:6 is a verse that got me through a lot growing up. Not only do we just have to tell ourselves not to worry, we have someone we can cast our cares upon—someone we know is in charge of all things and loves us. 

You’re stronger than you think. 

Sometimes I look at a challenge, even something as small as a daunting paper for a really difficult class, and wonder how I am ever going to make it through. But I always do. I know I can rise to the challenge. 

This feeling won’t last forever.

Look, even if my worst fears come true and my summer experience isn’t my favorite, it’s just for a few months! And if anything, I’ll know with certainty that specific path isn’t for me. If I hadn’t tried it, I may constantly think about the “what if’s.” 

Without risk, you miss out on a lot of life.  

This is something I also mentioned in my most recent post. It would be comfortable for me to stay at home and work the same minimum wage job I have for past summers, but I know I would miss out on a potentially life-changing, incredible experience.  


You will learn and grow. 

Regardless of what happens, I will grow and gain knowledge of the world and myself. Just like in a workout, I know I can only move forward if I push my limits. 

Sometimes leaving your natural element can reset your perspective.

By trying something completely new in a foreign place with unfamiliar people, I know it will show me who I am and who I value. I hope it will remove me from my problems at home and allow me to see them more clearly from a distance.  

Being lonely can be a growing experience.

This is something I always have to tell myself: being lonely isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, in a world where we’re always connected and always moving 100 miles a minute, having some time to break down an over-dependence on others could be healthy. 

The Lord will provide.

Ultimately, I know God will be with me and lead me. He is a good father who knows my needs and will take care of me. This is what I rest in the most.  

The next time you hear from me I will be soaking up the cool valley air in Colombia, writing my hand off and doing what I love. Thanks for coming along for the ride, I am just as excited as you to find out where it takes me! 

So for my future self reading this, I hope this summer was all you dreamed of. For those of you heading off to a new, perhaps scary experience for the summer, I am so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone. Even though we can’t know what this summer will hold, I know we will grow and come out the other side grateful that we were brave enough to choose adventure. Talk to you soon. 

Sincerely, Hannah 

Photography: Hannah B.


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