What Now?


I just finished my junior year of college and have a three-week break to do whatever I want. 

Here’s the problem: I can’t relax. After finishing my last final, my brain immediately asked me, “What now?”

If I don’t have a project in the works, my anxiety skyrockets. If I’m not in a coffee shop doing work for at least a few hours a week, I feel like I’m not reaching my fullest potential (shoutout to Ristretto Lounge for putting up with my antics).

I keep having to remind myself that breaks are necessary. If you’re in the same boat, here are a few reasons to put your books down and revive your social life.

Just because you aren’t working doesn’t mean you’re useless. 

I still struggle with this one; I use my work as a crutch to ignore other areas of my life, even if I don’t mean to. The pressure of college, resumes, and cover letters are real. Trying to make myself look perfect on paper has always been a source of anxiety.

You have to step away from your projects to take care of yourself!

I’m preaching to myself right now, literally. I can’t tell you how much sleep I’ve lost tackling final projects to make them spectacular. Because of this, sometimes I’ll even forget to eat until 8 p.m. because the only thing important to me is my grade in that moment.

You have to remember your body needs to be taken care of if you want to excel in life. Running on cold brew for 48 hours instead of sleeping isn’t the best thing for your mental or physical health. Trust me, I’ve tested that theory multiple times. Not fun.

Social lives are NEEDED. 

Work cannot be your entire life. You need friendships and a few hangouts throughout the week. Even if I am busy with work, I’ll invite friends to join me. It definitely helps make the mountain of deadlines less stressful.

And even WHEN you have deadlines, try to squeeze in a hangout without work involved. Your brain truly needs a break.

Stepping back from your careers and work-related goals will help you in the long run. Everyone needs a break; that doesn’t make you lazy.  

Sincerely, Abbey

Photography: Abbey C.


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