My 21st Birthday: Corona Style


You know, out of all scenarios, I never would’ve guessed my 21st birthday would happen in the middle of a global pandemic.

It’s hard to focus on something as simple as your birthday with all of the chaos going on in the world. Personally, I feel selfish even thinking about celebrating it now.

I’m not a huge party type of person, and it’s just never really been my scene. I’d much rather go to a dinner at my favorite restaurant and have a few friends over for a small get-together. Nothing more. 

If you’ve kept up with recent news, you’ve probably seen the rapid growth of COVID-19 in college campuses, especially Auburn. I’ll drive past the bars downtown and it’s almost as if the pandemic doesn’t exist. People are crowded outside of the bars, definitely within six feet of each other, and not a mask in sight. I could describe these nights in one simple phrase—a breeding ground for the virus. 

You know what’s even worse? Because of these certain people ignoring the pandemic, it ruins the events and lives of people actually trying to follow the rules. I can’t go to classes, downtown, or basically anywhere without risking exposure. 

Now, to add on to this list, I probably won’t be able to hold a small party. However, while there are obvious negatives about a pandemic-filled 21st, there are some positives. 

You’ll know who actually cares about you.

With all of the craziness of life, it’s hard to keep in touch. If someone still goes out of their way to wish you a happy birthday, you mean a lot to them.


You won’t be forced to go out if you don’t want to. 

It’s expected for you to go all out. Do I want to? Most likely, no. Instead of being seen as “lame,” blame your laziness on the pandemic.

Going to a dinner with friends can be fun (with masks, of course).

Take a small group to one of your favorite restaurants! Make sure the place you pick follows social distancing rules and have a great time!

FaceTimes matter.

Can’t see people in person? FaceTime them! If you want to go crazy, get a whole Zoom started. There will be a lot of chaos packed into your computer in the best way possible.


Bake your own cake!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned during the pandemic, it’s that everyone can be a baker. I never baked before this past March, and now I make cakes. Not with a box mix, but with flour. 

Obviously my birthday isn’t going to be the way I wanted it, but that doesn’t mean it has to be horrible. Look for the positives within the negative. Lastly, don’t forget to wear your mask.

Sincerely, Abbey

Photography: Abbey C.


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