Whispers Behind Closed Doors

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people judge you.

Just like on this blog; I know there are people analyzing every word and picture I use. At first, it bugged me. Now, I just accept the judgement with love.

No matter what you do, people will form an opinion. Yes, that could be negative, but most of the time, it’s positive. Remember: you are your own biggest critic, not anyone else.

When it comes to writing, there are certain people wanting to know the faces behind every post. Yes, in some of my articles, there are people heavily influencing my work. I mean, it’s pretty obvious … it’s just like how songwriters come up with music. You write through experience, joy and personal heartbreak.

Your life is going to be shared if you’re in any creative outlet. How do you create from something you’ve never experienced?

And guess what? When you share vulnerability, people may contort it. They may try and find hidden meaning or create false narratives. It’s bound to happen whether you want it or not.

Most of the time, judgement and speculation comes from people that aren’t close to you. So, why should their whispers matter? You know who your true friends are; I know I do.

Just because whispers are there doesn’t mean you should stop creating. You create for yourself and those who relate.

That’s one of my favorite things about this blog: sharing perspective and bringing comfort for those who feel the same way.

Most of the time, I’ll use pictures of me and my friends for the cover. Sometimes, people whisper that the friend pictured might be the reason behind a certain post. Let me just clear the air: if the picture of myself includes someone, that doesn’t mean the post is about them.

I love sharing pictures of me and my friends because it makes me happy. Every time I write something super serious, it’s important to show my face in the picture, not some random leaf or flower.

I’ll do a leaf or flower from time-to-time to break up the pics, but I love posting the pictures with my friends. I’m not a big selfie person, so those are the main ones I have.

I will never put someone in the spotlight unless they’re okay with it, especially when it comes to relationship-type posts. I just use the way that person made me feel. Names aren’t needed to relate to the circumstances.

Keeping it sneaky and anonymous, just the way I like it.

This blog is about me, my personal experiences and my hardships. It’s a lens into my brain.

If my amazing readers, like yourself, relate to my posts, that means the world to me. I want my writing to impact those around me. “Sincerely, Abbey” is here to let people know their feelings and experience are heard, felt and understood.

For so long, I was silent. I never said anything that hinted I wasn’t okay; I played my part with a fake smile. We aren’t putting on that act anymore.

Don’t stop doing what you love because people form false narratives about you. If anything, be proud. That means your work is really getting out there.  

Visibility is scary, but it also opens endless doors for opportunities… even spotlights on certain podcasts. (Yes, that’s a hint for something in the future. Stay tuned.)

Keep being you, and keep creating the work that fuels your soul. While people may judge, know I’m cheering on your hard work every step of the way.

Sincerely, Abbey


Dating and Disabled: The Lesser Known Hardships of Disability


Falling Back in Love