Leaving Alabama

So… life is about to change. Crazy, right?

Recently, I accepted a journalist position 10 hours away from home in the beautiful state of Virginia.

Overall: I’m incredibly happy and excited for the future. I get to write amazing stories in a location rich in American history; I’ll grow both as a person and a journalist.

While I know this is the right decision, there’s a small part of me scared to make the jump.

This is the first time in 22 years I’m living somewhere not in Alabama.

I’m walking into something brand new, and I’m doing it willingly. This is new for me.

I literally just beat thyroid cancer, graduated college and accepted my first full-time job in the span of two months. All of my life chapters are closing and opening simultaneously; it’s psychological whiplash to say the least.

To prepare me for this big change, I thought I would thank a few people and furry friends that helped me get to this point.

My therapist

There’s no way I could start the list without putting Ken first. When a lot of people talk about therapy, it’s usually a hard experience. It’s like dating; you have to find the right therapist for you. I got incredibly lucky to be paired with my go-to on my first try.

He’s helped me understand myself. He’s the person I can always count on when I’m overwhelmed with a situation, and I couldn’t thank him enough for that. 

My friends and family 

Yeah, that means you reading this. I’m grateful for everyone in my life that’s encouraged me to continue writing. For a while, I thought journalism wasn’t the path for me—that I wasn’t strong enough to be in this industry. It a demanding job, and I’m thankful I have my friends and family hyping me up along the way.

My past coworkers, bosses and professors

Thank you all for challenging me.

To Auburn Campus Rec, thank you for introducing me to life-long friends and making me a better leader. I came into college clueless. The only thing I knew was that I loved photography, and  it was that very passion for photography that sparked my fascination for writing. Be Well Auburn is the main reason why I changed my major. Without it, I probably wouldn’t be writing at all.

To my journalism professors, thank you for providing me with a strong foundation. Everyone says journalism is a “dying industry,” but it isn’t. My teachers showed me journalism is very much alive and constantly evolving. They also showed me the importance of reporting the truth. This may sound like an obvious take, but facts are surrounded by endless opinions and conspiracies. We need to make sure what we are writing is truthful and unbiased. While deadlines are important, we need to take the time for accuracy.

To my people at the Opelika Observer, thank you for showing me my passion for news. Thank you for trusting me. I still remember my first day in the old office; I was terrified. I didn’t know if I was good enough for the job—if I could take the pressure. I left that newsroom with a newfound confidence. Also, quick shoutout to my gal Hannah Lester. Thanks for being a great mentor and one of my closest friends. You rock.

To the Opelika-Auburn News, thank you for showing me I can make an impact. I had no idea my stories could reach thousands of people, let alone win a state-wide press award. This is where I found my niche, the stories that mean the most to me. Also, I already miss making fun of THE Justin Lee constantly in the newsroom.

Ristretto Lounge + the Auburn-Opelika coffee community

I don’t even want to know how much money I’ve spent at this place (and I never want to know). This community played a big role in my time at Auburn. What was just a study spot slowly turned into my happy place. I grew with the baristas and regulars in this shop, and they turned into close friends. So special thanks to Johan Jo, Kat Hardin, Kai Wang, Jorge Castro Lebrón, Austin Blanton and Hannah Whyte for being the best bunch I’ve ever known. Leaving this coffee shop behind is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.

Niff and Icee

Yes, I am thanking my hamsters. Why would I not? They obviously deserve the recognition. When you’re an insomniac, hamsters become your best friends.

Thank you Icee for being my first college pet and keeping me sane at all hours of the night. I’m grateful this little guy was my roommate, even if that meant cleaning a huge, stinky cage regularly.

Thank you Niff for being my best friend for the past two years. While he may be the sassiest out of the two, he knows how to make me laugh. I would also like to brag that his vet said he was the most well-behaved hamster she’s ever treated. He’s incredible.

My new boss and home 

Lastly, I would love to say thank you to my newest boss for taking a chance on me. While change is scary, I know I made the right choice in accepting this job. I’m excited to get back into the world of journalism. I know once I’m in, there’s no way I’ll leave. 

Well, that was my long list of thank you’s to wrap up the end of my college career. All I can say is that I’m walking into the unknown, and I’m going to embrace every experience with open arms. Look out for the name Abbey Crank in news; she’s officially back in business.

Sincerely, Abbey

Photography: Hannah S.


My “Normal”


The Many Versions of You