All Burnt Out


Fall 2020 Semester: the worst experience for most college students out there, including me.

I can’t even begin to explain the mental exhaustion and mind-numbing torment this semester has given me. Not only is it me, it’s literally every college student I talk to. To give this semester a review, it would probably be a -50 out of 100. From one burnt-out college student to another, here are a few reasons we’re all lifeless.

Impossible expectations from professors.

It seems like many professors think we can accomplish so much more in quarantine. News flash: we can’t. Sometimes I have to remind myself I’m in the middle of a global pandemic because all I think about is work or class. This time can be traumatic to everyone, and it seems like colleges may not understand that. Some of my classes make me do twice or three times the amount of homework I’d have if we went in person. Yes, I have more free time, but that doesn’t mean my mental health can take 12 hours of extra work.

I barely leave my house.

All of my classes and work assignments are remote. I’m in my room 24/7 with no breaks. After a while, you start to feel like time doesn’t exist anymore. Are people even real? All the interaction you receive is over a computer screen. It’s truly the loneliness time for many. With less work, I could probably find some time to be social with people I love. It’s sad that a basic necessity is a special occasion.


Mental health is ignored.

I’m not going to lie to you, my mental wellness has taken a turn for the worse. Not leaving my house and being forced to work every hour has driven my brain to a state of numb panic. I’m either so stressed out I can’t sleep or I sleep the entire day because my brain is so exhausted. It’s also hard to eat when anxiety kicks in; sometimes, I’ll even get physically sick. 

An AWFUL sleep schedule.

All of my friends know this about me: I won’t fall asleep until 6 a.m. My brain won’t shut off. I’m either thinking about all of the assignments due this week or panicking about my schedule. I can’t tell you how much my body relies on coffee— literally it’s the only thing keeping me alive.

My perfectionistic attitude and work ethic.

I have to do everything perfectly. If I get anything less than a 90 as a grade on an assignment, I’ll be so disappointed in myself; this should be the one time I don’t have to get all A’s. This mixed with my mental exhaustion is NOT a good combo (would not recommend). Telling my brain I need to focus on my wellbeing over grades is a daily struggle.

You won’t understand the struggle of online everything unless you’re in the situation. With everything available at your fingertips, you literally can’t escape your responsibilities. There has always been a fine line between school and relaxation, and ever since COVID-19 that line has been broken. Not only has it been broken, it’s been completely forgotten. I hope this serves as a reminder to check up on your fellow students as finals approach.

Sincerely, Abbey

 Photography: Abbey C.


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