A Night Owl’s Perfect Pet


When I tell you my hamster is basically my son, I mean it.

You’ve heard it all the time with dogs and cats, but the bond I have with my hamster makes my life so much better.

Before I can convince you why hamsters are the best, I need you to meet my son, Icee. I randomly got him the December of my college freshman year. Icee and I made eye contact, I held him, and next thing you know, he’s mine. It was the best decision I’ve made.


For my pet people, here are some reasons why you should consider a hamster.

Hamsters aren’t too expensive.

When I bought Icee, he was on sale for only 20 dollars (yes, a literal steal). Besides the actual hamster, you’ll need a cage, wheel, bedding, water bottle, food, and any toys you need to fill the cage. Overall, the cost for food and bedding isn’t horrible. The cages are a little pricey, but it’s a one-time purchase.

Note: For cages, make sure they aren’t small. Small cages are one way to drive your hamster insane. It’s their natural instinct to burrow, hide food, and run all around the cage. Make sure you give them enough room to do that.

They’re pretty entertaining. 

Icee is the sassiest pet I’ve ever had. If I’m gone when he first wakes up, the glare I get is unbelievable. It’s like I betrayed him (in the funniest way). When he wants to be picked up, he’ll immediately go to the front of the cage and put his hand on the opening. He absolutely loves to be held. I hold him at least three times a night. Attention is Icee’s middle name, and he’s not afraid to show it.


If you’re nocturnal, it’s nice to have a late-night friend.

I’m a hardcore night owl. My best work comes to me during the middle of the night, creatively and academically. Having Icee up with me until 4 a.m. while I write is a comfort. If I ever need a quick break, I can walk away from my work and play with him. Hamsters really do make connections with their owner, and my bond with Icee bond is unbreakable. I mean, look at these pictures. You can’t tell me he isn’t posing for my camera.

Hamsters are literally the easiest pets to care for.

Icee is the most low-maintenance furry companion. All I really have to do is keep the cage clean, make sure he has food, give him treats and carrots when he wakes up, and change his potty periodically. Yes, you heard me, my hamster is potty-trained (you can’t tell me that isn’t a flex).

Your friends will love him.

Icee is the biggest celebrity when it comes to my friends. Everyone wants to hold and take pictures with him. He’s practically more popular than me.

Hamsters really do deserve more attention. The amount of happiness Icee brings to my life shouldn’t go unrecognized. Let me tell you, I will never let him go unnoticed. I have actual socks with pictures of him all over. Consider getting a hamster best friend, you definitely won’t regret it.

Sincerely, Abbey and Icee

Photography: Abbey C.


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