What If…

I still question if I’m following the right path.

Even if something feels like the absolute perfect pick, self-doubt always finds a way to creep in. I even started second guessing journalism with graduation right around the corner.

It’s like, is this really what I want or am I just sticking to what I’m good at? Do I actually like this or am I faking it? What if this is the wrong choice, and I just don’t know it yet?

I know these thoughts are irrational, but they happen to everyone. So, if you’re experiencing this, know you aren’t alone. I’m right there with you.  

One thing I’ve learned along the way is that you will always second guess choices. “What if’s” can’t be ignored, but what you have to do is take it at face value. 

What I mean by face value is to take situations as they truly are. I don’t know about y’all, but I constantly get lost in my own fantasies. 

Like yeah, I could be doing something like physical therapy, but is that really the right choice for me? The idealization of different paths is nothing but romanticized scenarios … not facts. It’s okay to be scared of the future, but you have to accept the path you chose. 

If you don’t, you’ll live life as a regret. Instead of focusing on the present, you’ll focus on what could’ve been. Why think about unrealistic scenarios when you have a whole life ahead of you? In fact, you may not even know how amazing it truly is. 

If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that you never know what you truly need. What you want to happen may be the worst thing for you. So, sometimes the spontaneity and unknown truly show you the beauties of life. 

There are so many people that are going to enter and leave your life, and you have no idea who these new friends are. You can’t predict or even expect connections; all you can do is welcome them when they come knocking on your door.

I guess where I’m going with this post is that there’s so much to life. If mistakes are made, they aren’t the end of the world; everyone makes a wrong choice. 

If we didn’t mess up, how would we learn and grow? That’s the fun of life: figuring out who you truly are.

Learn that making mistakes is actually a beautiful thing. Even things you may think are mistakes right now, might not be later on in life. Just go with the flow. Enjoy the people around you, live life with no regrets and embrace imperfection. 

Sincerely, Abbey

Photography: Abbey C.


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