New Journalistic Beginnings

New beginnings seem to be my middle name.

This week, I’ll be starting another journalistic venture with the Opelika-Auburn News! Crazy, right?

Now’s the time for me to really figure out my place in the world of print journalism, and I welcome it with open arms. The only thing I know right now is that I’ll grow as a writer over these next few months, deadlines will be present and I’ll be wandering with my DSLR.

Since the summer, I’ve really accomplished great things with amazing people. I even had my photography featured on the cover of a magazine (LIVE Lee to be more specific). That’s still so surreal for me. 

Don’t get me wrong, journalism is an extremely stressful gig. If you feel like you’re all caught up in newswriting, you’re most likely behind. Deadlines are around every corner, and you need to be ready for anything. You’re always on your toes.

Am I overwhelmed? Honestly, sometimes. But this feeling just comes with the territory. Some weeks are crazy while others are radio silent. You just have to buckle up for the ride.

So, all of this to say, be on the lookout. Updates from my reporting-crazed life will be soon to follow. Can you keep up? I sure hope I can.

Wish me luck!

Sincerely, Abbey

Photography: Abbey C.


To Work or Not to Work: That’s the Question


Day 61: My Adventure in the Rearview Mirror